My brain likes to think about the timing of things.
What was I doing the year xyz came out?
When did I meet so and so?
You can remember such things based on the other circumstances at the time.
Where you were working. What you were driving. What song was popular.
So I was trying to figure out what was going on when *Dumplin was born.
He was born on a Tuesday in January of this year.
On a Tuesday, my big kids, let's call them Dude and Darlin, would've had school during the day, a music lesson in the afternoon at one nearby church and group music lessons at a different church that evening. Tuesday afternoons are a busy for us.
It's also about the time we would take our second or third PATH class.
That Friday was hubs' day off so we had appointments to go have our fingerprints done for our file. (We took pictures of each other being printed, and the lady doing them was super sweet to explain the computer imaging process to Dude and Darlin.)
Then, I'm thinking about the time that went by between Dumplin's birth and him coming into foster care. He was with his birth family until sometime in March. The details are fuzzy, but it's a mess. I believe he came into care toward the end of the month and placed with his first foster family. Meanwhile, we were doing our classes, and everything else we needed to do, to become licensed.
The first family was caring for him the entire time we were waiting for our homestudy to be completed and approved. One week after receiving our approval, that family decided to disrupt the placement. They met with DCS and handed him over, along with his belongings, even though they were supposed to give notice and allow DCS time to find another family. Dumplin spent all day in a DCS office with one of his parents. The parent was called in simply to watch Dumplin while DCS made phone calls. It had been a long day for a baby. In an office. Without a bed.
***I do not like the fact that they disrupted the all...but I did not walk in their shoes. The reasons they disrupted aren't clear to me. I heard, "It took too long to feed him" as the major reason, which I have an opinion about but I'll get to that later. His health/vision issues could've been a huge factor, but I just don't know if I agree with 'quitting' on a foster baby so quickly. It seemed like a convenience thing. You signed up for foster care....what will be convenient about it? Maybe I"m wrong, but they only had Dumplin for about 2.5 months.***
I believe God used that family as a bridge to us. (That helps me get over the disruption mess.)
Even if I don't like the disruption, I have to believe that God wanted to place this child with us for a reason. God always knows what's coming next....He will equip our family to deal with it.
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