Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Do Something

There's a super song out by Matthew West right now called Do Something.

This song reflects how I feel.  We should all be doing SOMETHING.   

In my previous post, I mentioned that God uses people. We are here to be used.  For HIS glory.  That looks different for everyone. We can't all DO the same things...,who would do the other things? 

Are we only doing things within our homes?  Our churches?  What about all of God's creation outside of those places?  We are ALL called to be salt and light....what does that look like for you? 

I realize that foster care/adoption isn't going to be done by everyone....but some of us, ahem, are just stubborn to the will of the Father.  Some of us can't open our homes. Some of us wouldn't fathom it. (By the way, every reservation I previously had was fueled by selfishness.) But whether you would do it yourself or not, you CAN choose to be supportive of those who do. 

You can raid your attic for baby/child items you no longer need. 

You can keep your eyes open for good deals on such items and share the info. 

You can ask what needs might be. 

You can take a "support person" class so that you can be called upon to provide care if an emergency arises....or just offer childcare for the parents to have an evening out. 

You can love on the children. (Many of them don't know what real love looks like.)

You can care. 

You can pray. 

Be obedient to what God tells you to do....but Do something. 

Enjoy the song here:


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