Monday, June 23, 2014


We got Dumplin's MRI day done.


He couldn't have formula after 3am since his appointment was at 11am.  I think this may be the only time in all my baby days that I woke a sleeping baby to feed them.  We wanted him to have that 'last meal.'  After this, he could only have clear liquids up until 8am.  By waking him around 3am to feed, he slept until nearly 9am.  We packed a bottle for later in the day....I couldn't wait to feed him again.  Poor baby.


Dad DID show up.  He was a little late, but he found us in the correct waiting room when we were first waiting to be called back.  Since Dad isn't "paternity test positive" dad, he wasn't able to sign consent for the MRI.  The hospital actually had to get in contact with Mom where she was to get her consent.  (Y'all, such new territory for us.  We aren't supposed to sign ANYTHING that would make us the responsible party in such matters.  I basically have to write "DCS" in most spaces.  Pretty strange doing things for a child who isn't your own....)

When they called us back to the 'triage' type area, Dad wasn't allowed to go with us.  Again, him not being "official dad" meant that he had no rights.  Dumplin is legally in our care...Dad has no say.
Dumplin was a very drowsy all morning.  He mostly slept while we held him.  He didn't get really fussy while we were waiting his turn....until about 12:15, then he was OVER. IT.  Nothing would comfort him.  While he was super mad, they came in to start an IV in his arm.  Didn't matter much since he was already upset.  As he started to calm down and drift off to sleep, they came and got him for the procedure.  We kissed him and left the waiting area.

We went back to where we had left Dad and told him we were going to the cafeteria to find some lunch.  He came with us, but he didn't eat, even though we tried to buy him food.  He gave my husband his phone number in case we moved from there, then he stepped out for a smoke break.

We finished lunch and headed back down to wait for Dumplin.  Dad told us he had to go to work so he left.  A nurse came to get us about 20 minutes later and led us to the baby.  Dumplin looked sweet and pitiful at the same time.  They kept him hooked to the IV but allowed me to pick him up.  Once we were holding him again, he began to awaken.  It was so good to kiss his sweet face after this kind of day.  It wasn't long before he let us know that he was ready for a bottle. 

The nurse said that our doctor should receive the MRI results by the afternoon.   She released us and I couldn't get that baby home quickly enough.

Sweet baby.  That's what I call him. :)

***It was Friday and I didn't expect to hear anything.   I was pleasantly surprised when I received a call from the doctor at about 5:30pm!!  He said there was NO evidence of trauma.  His brain looked good.  Dumplin had evidently not been shaken or beaten...and there was no damage from the seizures he supposedly had at two months of age.   Praising God for this news!!  And kudos to a doctor who didn't make us wait all weekend to hear this news!

Now, we have to wait for the next ophthalmology appointment.  What's going on with this baby's vision?

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